Sunday, August 5, 2012

It's been a while...

I haven't blogged on this since I started working in my current organisation. This had to do with lack of time, but also lack of familiarity with the environment: what can I write about? What can't I write about (especially since I'm under the Official Secrets Act)? Rather than risk it all with commentary, I thought it safer to wait a while, understand the "new" landscape, before taking any risks. (The Polish saying "only a fool tests unknown waters with both feet" comes to mind...)

Hence, after a three year absence, I've decided to dip a tiny portion of my little toe into these once-familiar waters. Why? The answer is similar to George Mallory's reply, when he was asked why he climbed mountains: because it's there. If you were to try a six-year-old's interrogation technique (of repeatedly asking "why" to every reply), Mr. Mallory would probably have replied "because I like climbing" and ultimately "because it's fun".

And so, in my case, I'm writing again in this blog, because (a) this blog is here, and some previous blog entries were pretty good, in my not-so-humble opinion, (b) because I like writing, and (c) because I find writing fun.

It's also the case that a blog serves as a great way to capture ideas and thoughts. Reading some of my older blog entries, it's unthinkable for me to be replicate them, largely because the moment is lost. Reading a blog entry, for me, is a bit like re-acquainting myself with my past-self. It's like meeting an old friend (i.e. my self from the past), or more accurately, like a ghost or a memory.

To be sure, there are a few things that this blog won't capture:

  1. Nothing mundane ("I ate breakfast today. I had an egg omelette that was fan-TASTIC and black coffee blah blah blah".... FTS). You don't need to know when I take a crap, as it's my own business (literally). 
  2. Nothing official or official-related. Everything here is my own personal view and take, and shouldn't be viewed as representative of my affiliates, employers, etc. 
This blog is really an intellectual playground for myself, since I tend to think aloud (but not so quickly that I can verbally improvise). So, really, this blog is a mirror for myself, for me to talk to myself like a narcissistic schizophrenic with split personality disorder. 

But you're welcome to listen in the dialogue. And to comment, too. 

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